Crown Center Fun - Animal Tales & Trails

Friday, February 18, 2022

 Well, we are on snow day number two which will in turn give us a six day weekend.... We are going to need all the fun this weekend and thank goodness Crown Center has us all covered! I am so excited to partner with them again to bring you Animal Tales & Trails, the current free interactive exhibit located on their lower level. I snuck down this week to grab some photos, before McKinley had a chance to go, and he was beyond frustrated. Good thing we have an open weekend! We are going to tackle all the things Crown Center has to offer.

Animal Tales & Trails is incredibly interactive and will have your little ones running off all the energy! Monkey bars give them a chance to feel like they are swinging from vine to vine, crawl through tunnels on the floor like an ant, pretend to be a caterpillar
, slide down an iceberg like a penguin, and set your sights high in an oversized eagles nest! 

And if that wasn't enough, you can make your way through the jungle, but not before wadding through alligator infested waters! Measure your height against an ostrich. Who's taller? Can you jump as high as a kangaroo? A trampoline might help! 

Make sure you are looking for all the little things as well. What else can you spot? I found a hopscotch, several mirrors inside the walls, and don't miss what's inside the alligators mouth! You don't want to miss anything.

I have to say, this wild exhibit is the bees knees....

The exhibit is now open and will run through May 1st! Head here to get any additional information.

Have fun exploring!



*This is a sponsored post, but all photos and opinions expressed are my own.

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