Well, the end of 2016 was not quite like I thought it would be. I planned and planned all month for a successful retro holiday party and snowman themed room party. I hosted a Pop-Up Stella & Dot shop at a friends reality office and hosted an in home trunk show the following night. I cleaned and prepped the house for Christmas cheer. And when all was said and done, I wound up with a horrible case of strep throat! I guess being on the constant move finally caught up to this super busy mama! I was down for the count for about a week, still recovering if I'm being completely honest, and I just hoping that 2017 finds us all a little more on the healthier front!
However, 2016 wasn't a total bust, right? And it's funny when you think about your year of achievements or milestones, because I tend to think of just the second half of the year. Or, I acquaint it to the start of the school year, but our year actually started in January. McKinley completed Pre-K, swimming lessons, lost two teeth, was part of a t-ball team, and started Kindergarten. As a family, we visited the zoo, the farmstead, Kansas City Sea Life, Worlds/Oceans of Fun, Monster Jam, a Food Truck Festival, and another Opening Day at the K. McKinley and I played, argued, went on adventures, spent an afternoon in Arkansas (our first visit to the state), baked, crafted, and finished out the year watching numerous Hallmark Christmas movies! The last part was pretty damn priceless!

I continued to struggle and thrive in my Stella & Dot business. My mom and I went into business together with me just being slave labor. I've dabbled in other smaller businesses of my own and hope to plant a seed in more than one and watch them flourish. One of them being this blog. I hope to write more in 2017. Bring you more ideas. More This Kansas City Mama adventures around this amazing city. And to continue to experiment and try new things and share with you all the failures and successes along the way.
So what does 2017 hold in store? Well, McKinley is talking about going to Kindergarten full-time and every time we talk about it, a piece of me dies and I fight back tears. If I let him go full-time, I'm slowing losing him and that's something that's so crippling with every thought I have. He's my world, which may or may not be healthy, and I can't see how I will ever make it through six hours without him! Maybe he'll change his mind! And more on this topic after the first of the year.....
I've set goals, not resolutions, and I'm going to either meet them or crush. As my Facebook quiz stated, I'm apparently a Workaholic. "Your dedication to the goal at hand is really strong. You're extremely dedicated and have your eyes on the prize. When you want something, you follow it down to getting it and leave everything else on the side." I don't really call this a workaholic. I just call it goal digging and I've always been like this. And, I hope to continue this quest in 2017.
Other related goals, to be a better mother and wife. To be a good friend. An honest person. I kinder person. A successful entrepreneur. A great listener. And to challenge myself on a more regular basis. In whole, to just be a better overall person. And for you, I hope you have your best year yet!
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